Sunday, January 04, 2009

Jahloon writes about Area 51 Debris


Jahloon, fretless guitarist, GtrOblq denizen, and keeper of, has penned a nice article about how he acquired Area 51 Debris, a fretless instrument created by an accomplished GtrOblq luthier, and formerly owned by Infinite Ego; the instrument is also believed to have been used by Bofatron Sofasaurus on several recordings.

I had known about the instrument for some time, and like I mentioned, web-searches can turn up some intriguing stuff. My search found a picture of a guitar like nothing I had seen before, enigmatically named "Area 51 Debris".

At first I thought it had been made specially for Infinite Ego, a formidable instrumentalist.

He hosted an Internet site and forum, which went through several iterations, changing name, changing identity, but with a core of avant garde musicians varying from the obscure to the almost famous.

One day you could find them, join their conversation, and the next day they had jumped continent, to reinvent themselves on a new website. Some website names you might recognise; Kronosonic / Shred Like Hell / Cone of Silence / Negation Hoster and their latest incarnation

Additionally they were a very close knit crew, with limited membership, if you weren't a serious musician, or didn't turn up on a regular basis, you were history.

[From Area 51 Debris]

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